Sending documents from one system:client:name to another system:client:name

Rick Sample Rick.Sample at
Tue Jun 24 13:38:19 EDT 2003

RFC is setup and working.
I can make an entry in a Distribution list pointing to a "User" in
another system/client,
but not from a Distribution List to a Distribution List on the other
Sending Document from Hxx to Rxx. Format for an entry that works in Hxx
Dist List:
Recipient: "Rxx:110:UserName"
Recip. Type: "Remote Mail Address"
This sends from Hxx Distribution List to a USER in Rxx just fine.
But I can't seem to make an entry in the Sending Dist List to another
Dist List in a different system like below:
Recipient: "RD0:110:WORKFLOW"
Recip. Type: "Remote Mail Address"
Bombs out!
Can someone tell me if it is possible to send from one dist list on one
system/client to another dist list on a different system/client?
I don't want to open up SMTP. Must be RFC.

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