User-friendly List of assigned IMAGES in WI-Preview

Schmidinger, Heinz (Unaxis IT BZ) heinz.schmidinger at
Thu Jun 5 11:19:19 EDT 2003

(BUS2037) of the vendor site (its a part of an intercompany process).
        The User has no access to BUS2037 itself.
        All this is not a problem, the User gest a WI BUS2012.DISPLAY/EDIT,
in the WI-Container Object IMAGE as Table is hold.
        So he has in the preview a list of all selected IMAGES (done in
Backgroundd-Task before).
        But now the Problem:
        The User-View of IMAGE in the WI-preview is not usable for a user.
        There is no information related to the BussinessObject, there are
only the technical keys.
        The useres-need is to has  a list where he can see what IMAGE is for
what BO (BUS2012/BUS2037-VBRK).
        How can I adapt the preview to add this list ?
        Has anyone a short guidline or example-coding helping me forward.
        Many thanks in advance.
        Unaxis Balzers Aktiengesellschaft       e-mail:
mailto:heinz.schmidinger at
                                        tel:    +423 388 6194
+43 5522 43385   (privat)
        P.O. Box 1000                           mobil:  +43 676 5368623
        FL-9496 Balzers         fax:    +423 388 5402
        Fuerstentum Liechtenstein       web:

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