Standard task "Send mail" does not send email immediately

Michael Chong miquel_chong at
Thu Feb 20 02:42:04 EST 2003

    I'm trying to set up a 2-level approval workflow for transport =
proposals which looks something like the following:
WF started --> Send mail --> Approve Transport Proposal --> Send mail =
--> Approve Transport Proposal --> ....
The 1st send mail task managed to send emails immediately to the =
intended recipients but the 2nd send mail task didn't do so until about =
20-30 mins. later. Also the work item didn't reach the 2nd Approve =
Transport Proposal task even after the 2nd email is sent.
The 1st & 2nd mail tasks are set up in a similar manner. If the 2nd send =
mail task is removed from the workflow, the work item would reach the =
2nd Approve Transport Proposal task.
Thanks in advance for any response to this problem,

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