SBWP search function for workitems

"Schröder, Ute Marion" UteMarion.Schroeder at
Mon Dec 1 05:39:26 EST 2003

Hi all,
we=B4ve just upgraded our productive system to 470.
Now I receive a call, that our users want their search function back to =
as it used to.
All right,
this is what I figured out.
If a user single-clicks on a workitem in his inbox and then presses the
search-button with the
workitem still selected, the content of the marked cell is =
written into the search field.
Users want the search field to be empty as it used to be.
Don=B4t really know why they cannot delete the value and then write =
into the
field their own search-criteria.
So, did anyone ever come across this?
If so, is there another way of solving this than modifying the program?

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