Automatic Forwarding Error

Smith, Cassaundra Cassaundra.Smith at
Tue Mar 5 07:44:19 EST 2002

Wanted to run this by you guys to  see if you have this issue before.  I have
users that are interested in setting up automatic forwarding of their workflow
workitems.  I showed them the menu path (from SBWP go Settings, Office Setting,
goto Autoforwarding tab).  But when a user puts in their Outlook email account -
example:  jane.doe at in the "forward to" field and "A -
External Address" or "U - Internet Address" in the forwarder type, you get the
error message that forwarder and recipient can't be the same person.  The user
who is setting up the autoforwarding will be setting it up for themselves but
the address is an external Outlook account address.  As the workflow
administrator I can use transaction SO36 and set it up like this for them.  But
I don't want every user who wants to set this up calling me to do this when they
should be able to do it themselves.  Has anyone had this same issue before????
Please advise,

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