WF Definition Step: SendMail Problems

Nobles, Diane nobles_dh at
Mon Jun 24 13:08:29 EDT 2002

Good afternoon fellow workflow'ers.  I am getting the following error when
using the Send Mail step in WFdefinition.  I am not using an organizational
unit, but rather Expression with WF initiator, later to add SAP users.  Can
anyone shed any light on this error and what is causing it??
Error processing following event linkage:
ZINI_2007 RELEASED1 TS92600005
Following error occurred:
WL 821
DVN-030   SELFITEM  000000502091
Message text:
Work item 000000502091: Object DVN-030   SELFITEM  000000502091 method
SENDTASKDESCRIPTION cannot be executed
Event container contains following data:
_EVT_CREATION_DATE              000000008D20020624
_EVT_CREATION_TIME              000000006T125631
_EVT_CREATOR                    000000014CUSDHA00
_EVT_ID                         000000020N00000000000003269141
_EVT_LANGUAGE                   000000001CE
_EVT_LOG_UPDATE                 000000001CX
_EVT_NAME                       000000032CRELEASED1
_EVT_OBJECT                     000000090oDVN-030   ZINI_2007 000020169033
_EVT_OBJKEY                     000000070C000020169033
_EVT_OBJTYPE                    000000010CZINI_2007
_EVT_RECEIVER_ID                000000090C
_SWT_TRACE_HANDLE               000000012C000000000015
Event linkage with errors deactivated.
Diane H. Nobles

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