sww_cont Table

Smith, Cassaundra Cassaundra.Smith at anheuser-busch.com
Tue Jun 18 15:03:40 EDT 2002

Our Basis team has alerted the workflow team here that this table has been
growing tremendously over the past month.  It is now at 68.6 milliion rows of
data.  In just the last week the table grew by some 9.5 million rows.  Our
archiving team said that although rows of this sww_cont table increased the
number of rows in the swwwihead table decreased, which I think is strange.  Can
anyone tell me what they know about this sww_cont table.  Is there any on-line
info on this workflow table.  I see that is it the table that holds container
Also, we have a workflow that has a few multiple conditions steps/routes.
Meaning that depending on runtime info, the workflow will flow only one of these
routes.  My question is, are entries created (in sww_cont) for each step that
has binding regardless of if the workitem flows through only one of the
condition routes or are entries only created in the table if the workitem
reaches the step in the workflow.
Please Advise with any info you have on this issue.

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