CATS Workflow

Gordon Blackmore gordon.blackmore at
Wed Oct 31 15:58:17 EST 2001

We are implementing Online Time Entry CATS as a pilot. I have been asked to
develop workflow for ensuing employees release their time and managers
approve it.
I have tried running the canned template, CATS: Approval using workflow
WS40001001 , however the task Generate Handle for Approval TS20000495
cannot be found.
I have tried to develop a simple workflow but getting into binding
problems. Therefore my appeal is for:
   Direction I should take.
   Advice on correcting WS40001001
   Does someone have an  CATS workfow that I could model.
I am a Workflow Neophyte, with a couple of SAP Workflow courses. I am also
the chief cook and bottle washer of the Workflow area.
Thank-you in advance.
Gordon Blackmore
Technical Assistant (SAP Analyst)
7th Floor, 2121 Saskatchewan Drive
Regina, SK  S4P 3Y2
Phone (306) 777-3416
Cell (306) 539-7451

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