[QIP-Sem] MIT QIP Seminar Series - Daniel Gottesman
Isaac Chuang
ichuang at mit.edu
Thu Oct 27 09:41:58 EDT 2005
The MIT Quantum Information Processing Seminar Series
Our sixth seminar of the Fall 2005 semester:
Speaker: Daniel Gottesman
Perimeter Institute
Time: 4:00pm (following refreshments)
Date: Monday, October 31, 2005
Location: CUA conference room, 26-214
Title: A Simple Proof of the Threshold for Fault-Tolerant
Quantum Computation
One of the central critical results in the theory of fault-tolerant
quantum computation is that arbitrarily long reliable computation is
possible provided the error rate per gate and per time step is below
some threshold value. This was proved by a number of groups, but
the detailed published proofs are complex and furthermore only hold
for concatenation of quantum error-correcting codes able to correct
2 errors per block, while typically the best estimates of the
threshold value are based on the 7-qubit code, which only corrects 1
error per block. I will describe recent work by Panos Aliferis,
John Preskill, and myself which substantially simplifies existing
proofs and applies as well to the concatenated 7-qubit code. The
new proof also provides a nice framework in which to attempt to
prove relatively high values of the threshold, which so far have
only emerged as estimates from simulations of fault-tolerant
Next: Nov 7 - Lu-Ming Duan - Probabilistic quantum computation, and
quantum simulation with resonantly
interacting atoms in an optical lattice
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