[QIP-Sem] MIT QIP Seminar Series - Hans Mooij
Isaac Chuang
ichuang at MIT.EDU
Fri Oct 21 08:41:38 EDT 2005
The MIT Quantum Information Processing Seminar Series
Our fifth seminar of the Fall 2005 semester:
Speaker: Hans Mooij
Kavli Institute of Nanoscience
Delft University of Technology
Time: 4:00pm (following refreshments)
Date: Monday, October 24, 2005
Location: CUA conference room, 26-214
Title: Superconducting flux qubits
Flux qubits are superconducting two-level systems where the states
are characterized by opposite circulating currents in a
superconducting loop with three Josephson junctions, to which a
magnetic flux of half a flux quantum is applied. Excitation is
performed by means of microwave pulses. They are studied in several
groups, the talk will focus on recent progress in Delft. Much of the
effort is directed towards improving coherence and fidelity of
readout. Relaxation times are typically around 5 microseconds, while
dephasing times vary strongly with conditions. The best achieved
result is a spin-echo-corrected dephasing time of 4 microseconds.
The usual readout so far was by measuring the critical current of a
SQUID. A new dispersive method has been developed where the SQUID
inductance is measured. This non- destructive technique now yields a
fidelity of 87%. Further improvement seems possible. We have studied
the coupling of a flux qubit to a harmonic oscillator, where we see
cohrent transitions on the blue and red sidebands. We have also
studied two coupled flux qubits and performed conditional
spectroscopy. Further optimalization is needed (and possible) to
realize two-qubit gates. A new form of flux qubit based on
phase-slip in superconducting wires will be discussed. This type may
have advantages with respect to the 1/f noise that dominates in
junctions qubits.
Next: Oct 31 - Daniel Gottesman - A Simple Proof of the Threshold for
Fault-Tolerant Quantum Computation
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