[panda-users] pmemaccess plugin

mahboobe daftari mahboobehdaftari at gmail.com
Tue Feb 16 17:38:15 EST 2016


I am using pmemaccess plugin. Volitility is placed in the right directory,
and I have copied pmemaddressspace.py to the addresspace directory. I am
running "x86_64-softmmu/qemu-system-x86_64 -m 256 -replay Hello1 -panda
", but the replay stops with this error:

"RR rr_assertion `0' failed at
Current log point:
{guest_instr_count=36 pc=0xc1014468, secondary=0x00000000}
Next log entry type: RR_INTERRUPT_REQUEST
Current replay point:
{guest_instr_count=0 pc=0xc1003b04, secondary=0xc180295c}
Exception socket.error: (32, 'Broken pipe') in <bound method
PMemAddressSpace.__del__ of
<volatility.plugins.addrspaces.pmemaddressspace.PMemAddressSpace object at
0x7f0afcac7ad0>> ignored

What could be the problem?
Thank you so much,
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