[panda-users] about panda taint on arm

xiaojuan Li xiaotan6666 at gmail.com
Mon Mar 30 02:18:01 EDT 2015

I have a question about taint:
in the paper——Repeatable Reverse Engineering for the Greater Good with
PANDA the "Taint analysis" part, you have used it to analysis ARM replays.
But when I build PANDA successfully, I have not find panda_taint.so(which
is necessary in tainting) in /qemu/arm-softmmu/panda_plugins,it just in
/i386-softmmu/panda_plugins and /x86_64-softmmu/panda_plugins.And README.md
which is included in taint directory says that "hard device and network
taint is now supported for x86/64 systems".
How do you use taint plugin to analysis arm system?
Thanks a lot!

wait and hope~~
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