[panda-users] Replaying "real'' session

Igor R boost.lists at gmail.com
Tue Mar 10 19:39:13 EDT 2015

Then I'm afraid I misunderstand how it's done...
Let's assume I start recording, then launch some process in the guest
(eg. ls). During replay I'd like to see this process physically
running again in a QEMU session. Is this possible?

2015-03-11 1:27 GMT+02:00 Leek, Timothy - 0559 - MITLL <tleek at ll.mit.edu>:
> Hi Igor.  Not sure if I follow you.  Panda does replay all the guest
> instructions in the same order as they happened on the guest.  The guest
> should march through precisely the same set of register and ram states.
> Which instructions do you think are missing?
> Tim
> On 3/10/15, 6:17 PM, "Igor R" <boost.lists at gmail.com> wrote:
>>Is it possible to use the record/replay mechanism to replay a real
>>QEMU session - i.e. to really execute all the instructions?
>>panda-users mailing list
>>panda-users at mit.edu

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