[panda-users] Replaying "real'' session

Leek, Timothy - 0559 - MITLL tleek at ll.mit.edu
Tue Mar 10 19:27:20 EDT 2015

Hi Igor.  Not sure if I follow you.  Panda does replay all the guest
instructions in the same order as they happened on the guest.  The guest
should march through precisely the same set of register and ram states.
Which instructions do you think are missing?


On 3/10/15, 6:17 PM, "Igor R" <boost.lists at gmail.com> wrote:

>Is it possible to use the record/replay mechanism to replay a real
>QEMU session - i.e. to really execute all the instructions?
>panda-users mailing list
>panda-users at mit.edu
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