[panda-users] Understanding plugins

Igor R boost.lists at gmail.com
Sun Mar 8 03:02:46 EDT 2015

Thanks for the detailed answer!

>> * Is it possible to start (stop) recording from within
>> PANDA_CB_INSN_EXEC callback, so that the recording would begin (end)
>> at the instruction, which is going to be executed?
> It should be okay to do so from inside a PANDA_CB_BEFORE_BLOCK_EXEC callback though.

Basic-block granularity is perfectly fine. Does PANDA have some API to
start/stop recording, or should I somehow access QEMU monitor
facilities directly?
Now, given such a recording, can I (and how to) "rollback" to the very
beginning state of the recording - again, from within
By the way, is it possible to perform multiple recordings
simultaneously - each one starting from another basic-block?

Thanks a lot!

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