[Olympus] Meeting

Roberto Francisco Perez Benito elfranceshh at hotmail.com
Tue Feb 25 13:14:25 EST 2014

Dear Collaboration

For the next collaboration meeting the building will be KPH Mainz =

Seminar room 1, and for the Workshop at the HIM building seminar room.

 From the Central Station is at 35 minute walk...

One single bus ticket is 2,60EUR but it is also possible to by a five =

bus ticket for 10,40EUR.

The following bus routes from Central Station:

  * Linie 9 Richtung "Isaac-Fulda-Alee/Aareon AG"
  * Linie 54 Richtung "Lerchenberg"
  * Linie 55 Richtung "Finthen"
  * Linie 58 Richtung "Wackernheim"
  * Linie 68 Richtung "Klein-Winternheim"

If you use this line, get off at the stop "Friedrich-von-Pfeiffer-Weg"**

They will be wireless available at the Seminar room 1 from the Guest =

wireless of the KPH, and at the HIM seminar room will be also available =

wireless from HIM.
They will be available a projector to display from the wiki in both =

seminar room.
The people not at Mainz, the collaboration meeting will be broadcast =

using SeeVogh and the usual OLYMPUS meeting ID. (some test were done =

during the lumi meeting)


On 25/02/14 15:45, Douglas Kenneth Hasell wrote:
> Hi Roberto,
> 	I am sure the following is obvious but I think it is safer to cover ever=
ything in advance:
> 1. Send everyone an E-mail to tell them the building and room number for =
the meetings.  Are the room(s) the same for all days?  I don't know where e=
veryone is staying but for example I am near the Hauptbahnhof.  How long a =
walk is it to the meeting room from the Hauptbahnhof?
> 2. Will wireless or cabled internet access be available?  How do we conne=
> 3. Will the projector be able to display from the Wiki?  Can people also =
connect directly?  This may be important for the workshop when people want =
to illustrate something by just displaying some plot they have on their lap=
> 4. How do people not at Mainz connect?  Do we broadcast using SeeVogh and=
 the usual OLYMPUS meeting ID?
>                                                      Cheers,
>                                                              Douglas
> 26-415 M.I.T.                                 Tel: +1 (617) 258-7199
> 77 Massachusetts Avenue                       Fax: +1 (617) 258-5440
> Cambridge, MA 02139, USA                      E-mail: hasell at mit.edu

-- =

Dr. Roberto Francisco P=E9rez Benito
Rheinstra=DFe 37
DE 55116 Mainz
Tel.: +49 (0)173 6478358
"Con todo eso te hago saber hermano Panza, que no hay
memoria a quien el tiempo no acabe, ni dolor que muerte
no consuma. Pues =BFqu=E9 mayor desdicha puede ser ---replic=F3
Panza--- de aquella que aguarda a que el tiempo la consuma
y a la muerte que la acabe?"

				 Don Quijote de la Mancha
				 Miguel de Cervantes

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