[Olympus] Event Display Internal Note

Brian S. Henderson bhender1 at MIT.EDU
Mon Sep 9 11:10:14 EDT 2013

Hello all,

I have just uploaded to the wiki (and attached to this e-mail) an =

internal note which describes the implementation and use of the OLYMPUS =

3D Event Display.  This is meant to be a comprehensive discussion of all =

elements of the Event Display, which goes beyond the user guide =

previously posted on the wiki.  See below for links to both pages.

It would be helpful if a member of each detector group reviews the =

sections describing the representation of their detectors and data. =

Additionally, if there are features you would like to see in the program =

as we begin the bulk of our analysis, please let me know.  I would =

especially like to hear from the detector groups which are currently =

unrepresented in the Event Display (see Section V.E.).


Link to internal note page: =

Link to Event Display User Guide: =

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