[Olympus] Structure for weekly Monday meetings

Douglas Kenneth Hasell hasell at MIT.EDU
Sun Aug 25 00:07:56 EDT 2013

Dear Colleagues,

	At the last collaboration meeting (MIT - July 8-12) the workshops on specific topics were very successful.  Possibly this was because only a few people or just the experts were talking but maybe it was also because it was a focused discussion.

	It has been suggested that the weekly Monday meetings could also benefit from more structure and less random presentations at the last minute.

	Therefore I would like to propose a new structure for the weekly meetings:

1. First we will have presentations.  The presentations must be announced in advance (at the previous weekly meeting would be nice) and the slides should be on the Wiki several days before the meeting so people have a chance to look at them in advance.

	So no more uploading a presentation Monday morning.  If it wasn't ready until then it can wait for the next meeting.  Presentations can be announced in advance to the group mailing list like this message.

2. Then we might have a focused topic.  Like the workshops, we will select one topic, assign someone to give an overview, and then discuss what needs to be done, who will do what, etc.  We don't need a focused topic every week and there should be advance warning (say 2 weeks) so people can prepare.  Ideally the coordinator for that topic should delegate who would give the overview and also the coordinator should chair that session.

3. Finally we will ask for any general comments:  This is not meant to have any displayed presentation.  Its just a forum where people can say something briefly,  ask a question, provide an answer, or whatever in a few sentences.  This would be the time to announce your intention to give a presentation at the next meeting.

	I hope this will help make the meetings more organised plus I hope the focused topics will help in getting the necessary work done in a timely manner.

	My slides for this are posted to the Wiki.


26-415 M.I.T.                                 Tel: +1 (617) 258-7199
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Cambridge, MA 02139, USA                      E-mail: hasell at mit.edu           

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