[Olympus] DORIS Service Week

Uwe Schneekloth uwe.schneekloth at desy.de
Thu Oct 6 09:45:53 EDT 2011

Dear Colleagues,

We have been asked by the machine group about our plans for the upcoming
service week, 24. to 30.10. In particular when we would like to have access
and when beam time. Please note that this is going to our last dedicated
beam time before the first data taking period starting end of January. 
Please respond until Tuesday, 11.10.

Saturday, Oct. 29 is the DESY open house and night of science from noon to
midnight. Many parts of DESY including a quarter of the HERA tunnel
will be accessible. The DORIS tunnel will be closed, but we will open
the entrance to the IR in order to give visitors a chance to take a look at the 
detector (14 to 20hrs).  Visitors will of course not be allowed to enter the 
detector. When the door is open, there will always be somebody of us around. 
Please let  me know if you will be around and can join us. 

Best regards,

| Dr. Uwe Schneekloth   
| OLYMPUS                                           
| Deutsches Elektronensynchrotron  
| Notkestrasse 85                                     
| D-22603 Hamburg/Germany              
| Tel: +49-40-8998 2007  Fax: +49-40-8998 3092 
| email: uwe.schneekloth at desy.de                          

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