[Olympus] PRC70 - report

Richard G Milner milner at MIT.EDU
Fri Oct 15 01:07:07 EDT 2010

Dear OLYMPUS colleagues,
This is a short note to report on the presentation and discussion in open a=
closed session to the DESY PRC which took place here at Zeuthen yesterday. =
went well.  The PRC was `very impressed with the considerable progress on t=
OLYMPUS experiment and congratulated the collaboration.?  In closed session,
discussion focused on the following points:

-	Keeping the OLYMPUS target installation to the tight schedule
-	Choosing soon the optimal 12 deg. lumi monitor GEM configuration
-	Making it a priority for DESY to provide electron beam in DORIS to the OL=
test experiment
-	Development of the analysis software in a timely way
-	Preparing a detailed plan (inc. milestones and manpower) for the test

The discussion was reasonable and supportive.  I thank all who have worked =
to put our experiment in such a favorable position. Of course, there is an
intensive period ahead but DESY will support us in every way it can to
guarantee success.  Finally, thank you to all who sent me slides.  My
presentation in open session is attached.

With best regards,
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