[Olympus] Proposed Agenda for Technical Meeting at MIT, 13-14 July, 2009

Douglas Kenneth Hasell hasell at MIT.EDU
Wed Jul 8 17:47:31 EDT 2009


	Following is the proposed agenda for the technical meeting for the  
OLYMPUS proposal to be held at MIT-Bates next week Monday and  
Tuesday.  Let me know if you have any comments or suggestions.

	The plan is to be at Bates all day Monday where we can see the  
detector as necessary.  We will plan a dinner for Monday evening in  
Boston.  Tuesday we could spend time at Bates if necessary but will  
likely be at MIT so people can conveniently leave for the airport.


Monday, 13 July, 2009 at MIT-Bates Laboratory

09:00 - Welcome and Introductions

09:10 - List of topics to be discussed
	- detector support
	- water cooling
	- toroid power
	- disassembly at Bates, shipping, and reassembly
	- target chamber
	- vacuum system
	- quadrupoles
	- DORIS beamline elements
	- electronics and data acquisition system
	- any other topics ???

09:30 - Visit to South Hall to discuss above topics in situ

11:00 - Coffee back at conference room

11:15 - Timeline

12:00 - Lunch

13:00 - Timeline (continued)

13:30 - Detailed discussion of topics, possible return to South Hall
	- identify further information, specifications, etc. required
	- identify responsibilities
	- schedule/timeline

15:00 - Coffee

15:15 - More discussions

17:00 - Return to Boston

19:00 - Dinner

Tuesday, 14 July, 2009 - at MIT, building 26, room 528

09:00 - Synchrotron radiation studies

09:30 - Status of Monte Carlo and reconstruction

10:00 - Further technical discussions on above topics

10:30 - Coffee

10:45 - Still more discussions

12:00 - Lunch

13:00 - Planning for review at DESY, 15 September, 2009

13:45 - Discussion on Technical Design Report

14:15 - Discussion on Memorandum of Understanding

14:45 - AOB

Airport is 20 minutes away from MIT.


26-415 M.I.T.                                 Tel: +1 (617) 258-7199
77 Massachusetts Avenue                       Fax: +1 (617) 258-5440
Cambridge, MA 02139, USA                      E-mail: hasell at mit.edu

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