[Olympus] OLYMPUS TDR status

Richard G Milner milner at MIT.EDU
Mon Aug 17 13:35:43 EDT 2009

Dear OLYMPUS colleagues,
I hope you are having a productive and pleasant summer. This is a short note to
report on the status of the OLYMPUS TDR. I have received a contribution from
Karen Dow on the alignment and at present I am writing/editing the science
introduction and chapter 6 on the commissioning and operation.  Other work in
progress includes

- Michael Kohl is generating a new figure showing several theoretical
expectations compared to our projected uncertainties.
- Axel Schmidt has written a detailed technical note on the synchrotron
radiation.  Together with Erhard Steffens he is editing this in a form for
inclusion in the TDR.
- Doug Hasell is working on the tracking sections.
- Michael Kohl is writing the chapter on the luminosity monitor.
- I am responsible for writing the section on the vacuum system, the design of
which is in progress by Jim Kelsey and colleagues at Bates.
- Emma Tolley is busy producing detailed simulations. She and Doug will write
the narrative describing the results.

It would be great if I could have contributions by the end of this week so that
I can produce at least one reasonably coherent draft which the collaboration
can consider before the review committee receives it at the end of the month.
with best regards,

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