[Olympus] OLYMPUS Meeting at DESY 17-18 July, 2008

Douglas Kenneth Hasell hasell at MIT.EDU
Mon Jun 23 15:03:56 EDT 2008

Dear Colleagues,

	This is a reminder that we will have the next OLYMPUS Collaboration  
meeting at DESY on Thursday and Friday, 17-18 July, 2008.

	Please let me know if you will:

		1. attend the meeting, and/or
		2. attend a group dinner on Thursday evening

so we can plan accordingly.

	A preliminary agenda follows.  If there are additional topics which  
you would like to add please let me know.

Thursday, 17 July, 2008

13:00 - Overview - R. Milner
13:45 - Realizing the OLYMPUS Proposal - D. Hasell
14:15 - The DORIS Ring - F. Brinker

14:45 - Coffee

15:15 - Target Discussion - R. Milner
15:30 - Tracking Upgrade - D. Hasell
16:00 - Luminosity Monitor - M. Kohl
16:30 - other contributions - TBA

18:00 - Dinner

Friday, 18 July, 2008

09:00 - Proposal Status - R. Milner
09:30 - DESY perspective/costs - U. Schneekloth
10:00 - MIT/Bates perspective/costs - R. Redwine

10:15 - Coffee

10:45 - General Discussion on Proposal
            - writing
            - assign responsibilities

11:45 - any other topics


26-415 M.I.T.                                                 Tel: +1  
(617) 258-7199
77 Massachusetts Avenue                        Fax: +1 (617) 258-5440
Cambridge, MA 02139, USA                     E-mail: hasell at mit.edu

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