[mosh-devel] cygwin now added

Reini Urban reini at cpanel.net
Thu Jul 19 11:32:59 EDT 2012

On 07/19/2012 10:28 AM, Florian Bruhin wrote:
> * Reini Urban<reini at cpanel.net>  [2012-07-19 09:36:57 -0500]:
>> On 07/19/2012 01:22 AM, Florian Bruhin wrote:
>>> - It just gives me an instant "Hangup" after starting, both without a
>>>     publickey, and with a publickey without password.
>>>       brf at ws018 ~
>>>       $ mosh --ssh='ssh -p 222' florian at the-compiler.org
>>>       Hangup
>>>       brf at ws018 ~
>>>       $ florian at the-compiler.org's password:
>>>       florian at the-compiler.org's password:
>>>       florian at the-compiler.org's password:
>>> I think that was already mentioned by someone in [0], and it doesn't seem to be
>>> any better.
>>> [0] https://github.com/keithw/mosh/issues/164
>> This seem's to be a cygwin issue.
> If it is, report a bug, if it's not, fix it ;) You're the maintainer
> after all :P
> Mosh is unusable like this IMHO.

Sure. I'm just fixing it :)
I just needs some hours.
And maybe I'll add some tests for the cases I found.

>> I only tested good pubkey connections.
> As mentioned above, I also tried with a working pubkey without any
> password, and I also got a "Hangup". So no matter what, it didn't work
> at all for me, and I personally don't think mosh benefits much from
> having a totally broken package ;)

That's interesting because it worked on all my cygwin machines client 
and server-side without any problem.
So I would not call it totally broken.
If it's totally broken for you, I would be happy to take patches.

FWIW: I'm trying out pull# 96.

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