[MOS] 11/24 - Modern Optics and Spectroscopy Seminar with Dan Oron (Weizmann Institute)
Christine Brooks
cbrooks at mit.edu
Tue Nov 17 15:21:31 EST 2020
There will be a virtual Modern Optics and Spectroscopy Seminar held next Tuesday, November 24 at 12pm. A Q&A segment will immediately follow the conclusion of the seminar.
Zoom link: https://mit.zoom.us/j/95525593074?pwd=UGoyUkY4WkFUM0VrS00vVGFtSXZsdz09
Password: 894959
Dan Oron
Weizmann Institute of Science (Israel)
“Quantum enhanced superresolution microscopy”
Far-field optical microscopy beyond the Abbe diffraction limit, making use of nonlinear excitation (e.g. STED), or temporal fluctuations in fluorescence (PALM, STORM, SOFI) is already a reality. In contrast, overcoming the diffraction limit using non-classical properties of light is very difficult to achieve due to the difficulty in generating quantum states of light and their inherent fragility. Here, we experimentally demonstrate practical superresolution microscopy based on quantum properties of light naturally emitted by fluorophores used as markers in fluorescence microscopy. Our approach is based on photon antibunching, the tendency of fluorophores to emit photons one by one rather than in bursts.
Since the non-classical intensity correlations carry higher spatial frequency information, they can be utilized to enhance image resolution. We demonstrate how antibunching can improve the resolution capabilities of image-scanning confocal microscopy in all three dimensions1, and show how the synthesis of classical and quantum information enables us to apply algorithmic resolution augmentation methods2. Finally, we show that these methods are compatible with currently developed SPAD arrays, serving as small single-photon imaging detectors, and thus require little infrastructure investment3.
Notably, the use of photon antibunching readily lends itself to quantitative imaging modalities since the degree of antibunching is intimately related to the emitter density. Potential approaches to such quantitative superresolution microscopy using a simple confocal microscope setup will be discussed.
[1] R. Tenne et al., “Super-resolution enhancement by quantum image scanning microscopy”, Nature Photonics 13, 116 (2019).
[2] U. Rossman et al., “Rapid quantum image scanning microscopy by joint sparse reconstruction”, Optica 6, 1290 (2019).
[3] G. Lubin et al., “Quantum correlation measurement with single photon avalanche diode arrays”, Optics Express 27, 32863 (2019).
Christine Brooks
Administrative Assistant
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Department of Chemistry
77 Massachusetts Ave, 6-333
Cambridge, MA 02139
p: 617.253.7239
e: cbrooks at mit.edu<mailto:cbrooks at mit.edu>
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