[MOS] Fwd: Millie Dresselhaus's funeral, Wednesday

Christine Brooks cbrooks at mit.edu
Tue Feb 21 18:01:03 EST 2017

I'm very sad to say that Millie Dresselhaus died yesterday, after a brief illness, surrounded by family and friends--she was quite actively working less than two weeks before. There will be a funeral tomorrow (Wednesday February 22<outlook-data-detector://2>) at 12:30<outlook-data-detector://3>. It will be at the MIT Chapel, with overflow rooms nearby in buildings W11 and W1; map: http://whereis.mit.edu/?go=W15. There will also be a webcast, but I don’t have a link for that yet. The service will be followed by a walk-through at about 1:30<outlook-data-detector://5>. Even with the overflow rooms we think space may be limited, so we’re asking that this event not be broadly publicized.
We expect a public memorial service at MIT later this spring, and probably a symposium-style event in the next year.
We’re relying on overlapping email lists; apologies for duplications.

—Read Schusky
Assistant to Mildred Dresselhaus, Institute Professor
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
1-617-253-6867<tel:1-617-253-6867> | fax 1-617-253-6827<tel:1-617-253-6827>
MIT 13-3005 | 77 Massachusetts Ave | Cambridge, MA 02139
rschusky at mit.edu<mailto:rschusky at mit.edu>

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From: "Read Schusky" <rschusky at mit.edu<mailto:rschusky at mit.edu>>
Date: Tue, Feb 21, 2017 at 5:57 PM -0500
Subject: Fwd: Millie Dresselhaus's funeral, Wednesday
To: "mos-owner at mit.edu" <mos-owner at mit.edu<mailto:mos-owner at mit.edu>>

Can you send this to the MOS list? Thanks.

�Read Schusky
Assistant to Mildred Dresselhaus, Institute Professor
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
1-617-253-6867 | fax 1-617-253-6827
MIT 13-3005 | 77 Massachusetts Ave | Cambridge, MA 02139
rschusky at mit.edu<mailto:rschusky at mit.edu>
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Subject:        Millie Dresselhaus's funeral, Wednesday
Date:   Tue, 21 Feb 2017 17:51:32 -0500
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