[MOS] Spring 2017 Modern Optics and Spectroscopy schedule

Christine Brooks cbrooks at mit.edu
Fri Feb 17 15:37:43 EST 2017

Dear all,

The Spring 2017 Modern Optics and Spectroscopy schedule is here! Please find it attached to this email, as well as online at the Laser Biomedical Research Center website, lbrc.mit.edu.

The 26th Annual Lord Lecture will be presented by Professor Stephen G. Boxer<https://web.stanford.edu/group/boxer/> of Stanford University on Tuesday, April 11, on the topic of "Vibrational Stark Spectroscopy Connects Electrostatics to Catalytic Rates at Enzyme Active Sites."

We hope you’ll join us for it, and for all the lectures in this series. Individual seminar topics will be added as they are made available by speakers; please see the MIT events page at events.mit.edu for updated information.

Christine Brooks
Administrative Assistant
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Department of Chemistry
77 Massachusetts Ave, 6-333
Cambridge, MA 02139
p: 617.253.7239
e: cbrooks at mit.edu

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