[MOS] LBRC special seminar (March 28 at 11 am ): "Engineering the Mode Coupling in Microrings for Laser and Sensor Applications" by Dr. Lynford Goddard from UIUC
Rebecca Teixeira
rebeccat at mit.edu
Mon Mar 28 09:15:57 EDT 2016
Engineering the Mode Coupling in Microrings for Laser and Sensor Applications
Prof. Lynford Goddard, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Monday, March 28, 2016
Abstract: The integrated microring Bragg reflector forms the basis of a new family of compact reflective photonic devices. The buildup of field strength in the high quality factor ring resonator configuration yields multiple reflection encounters with the same set of gratings. This enables high reflectivity with only a few pairs of low index contrast first order gratings and makes possible compact passive narrow band laser end mirrors for wavelength locking. Second order gratings can be engineered in an active material to selectively couple all but one of the counter-propagating modes of the ring to radiation modes and thereby create a single wavelength ring laser for telecommunications or spectroscopy applications. For direct sensing applications, the gratings can be replaced with gold epitopes to form a hybrid whispering gallery mode/plasmonic chain ring resonator. The field localization properties near the epitopes and thus the detection sensitivity change drastically as the radius of the epitopes is varied due to the existence of distinct coupling regions of the hybrid resonator.
In this talk, I will present the key theoretical and experimental results of our investigation into reflective microring resonators.
Bio: Dr. Lynford L. Goddard received the B.S. degree (with distinction) in math and physics, the M.S. degree in electrical engineering, and the Ph.D. degree in physics from Stanford University, in 1998, 2003, and 2005, respectively. His doctoral research focused on characterization and modeling of 1.5um GaInNAsSb/GaAs lasers. At Lawrence Livermore National Lab, he conducted post-doctoral research on photonic integrated circuits, sensors, and data processing systems.
Dr. Goddard joined the University of Illinois as an Assistant Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering in 2007. He was promoted to Associate Professor in 2013. His research group focuses on fabricating, characterizing, and modeling photonic sensors, integrated circuits, and instrumentation, as well as developing new processing techniques and testing novel semiconductor materials and devices. Applications include quantitative phase microscopy for semiconductor wafer metrology, hydrogen detection for fuel cells, carbon dioxide detection for reducing post-harvest food loss, and integrated microring Bragg reflectors for narrow linewidth lasers and next generation chip-scale communication systems.
Dr. Goddard was an Associate Editor of the IEEE Photonics Journal from its inception in 2009 through 2014. He currently serves on its Advisory Board. Dr. Goddard is also an Assistant Topical Editor for the Journal of the Optical Society of America B. He is the recipient of a Presidential Early Career Award for Scientists and Engineers (PECASE); the nomination was by the Department of Energy in 2008. He is also the recipient of the inaugural AAAS Early Career Award for Public Engagement with Science in 2011. Dr. Goddard is an author or co-author of over 160 publications and 6 patents.
Location: NE47-189
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