[MOS] March 10, 2015, Jason Fleischer, Princeton University

Zina M Queen zqueen at mit.edu
Thu Mar 5 10:29:26 EST 2015

Seminar on 

Modern Optics and Spectroscopy


Nonlinear and quantum phase retrieval 

Jason Fleischer,

Princeton University


Tuesday, March 10, 2015

12:00 – 1:00 p.m.

Phase retrieval is important to a variety of fields, ranging from astronomy to x-ray crystallography and biomedical imaging. It is also a beautiful example of computational optics, in which both physical measurement and numerical processing are required to achieve the final result, e.g. reconstruction of phase information from intensity-only measurements. Here, we will discuss how spatial nonlinearity and quantum entanglement can improve upon classical (linear) phase algorithms. In particular, we will show how wave mixing and correlations lead to simultaneous improvement of resolution and contrast, enhanced sensitivity with reduced noise, the removal of ambiguous solutions, and criteria for stopping iterations and optimizing the unknown phase.

Grier Room, MIT Bldg. 34-401

Refreshments served after the lecture
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