[MOS] February 25, 2014, Ji-Xin Cheng, Purdue University

Zina M Queen zqueen at MIT.EDU
Thu Feb 20 08:21:56 EST 2014

Seminar on

 Modern Optics and Spectroscopy 

In Vivo Spectroscopic Imaging:  Analysis of Molecules in their natural environment 

Ji-Xin Cheng,

Purdue University 

Tuesday, February 25, 2014
Label-free spectroscopic imaging using intrinsic molecular signals is opening a new window for watching biomolecules and nanomaterials in live cells and even inside the human body. Major advances have been made to allow real time vibrational imaging of cellular processes, extraction of information from the crowded fingerprint bands of a biological system, and chemical imaging of a tissue that is a few centimeters deep under the surface. I will present our most recent advances in both development and applications of spectroscopic imaging platforms, including deep tissue imaging by acoustic detection of harmonic molecular vibration [1], study of altered cholesterol metabolism in cancer by Raman scattering microscopy [2], and super-resolution imaging of nanomaterials by transient absorption microscopy [3].

[1] Han-Wei Wang Ning Chai, Pu Wang, Song Hu, Wei Dou, David Umulis, Lihong V. Wang, Michael Sturek, Robert Lucht, Ji-Xin Cheng*, “Label-free bond-selective imaging by listening to vibrationally excited molecules”, Phys. Rev. Lett., 2011, 106: 238106.  [2] Shuhua Yue, Junjie Li, Seung-Young Lee, Hyeon Jeong Lee, Tian Shao, Bing Song, Liang Cheng, Timothy A. Masterson, Xiaoqi Liu, Timothy L. Ratliff, Ji-Xin Cheng*, “Cholesteryl Ester Accumulation Induced by PTEN Loss and PI3K/AKT Activation Underlies Human Prostate Cancer Aggressiveness”, Cell Metabolism, 2014, in press.  [3] Pu Wang, Mikhail N. Slipchenko, James Mitchell, Chen Yang, Eric O. Potma, Xianfan Xu, Ji-Xin Cheng*, “Far-field imaging of non-fluorescent species with sub-diffraction resolution”, Nature Photonics, 2013, 7(6): 449-453.

Grier Room, MIT Bldg 34-401

Refreshments served after the lecture

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