[MOS] Michael S. Feld, November 16, Spectral Diagnosis

Jenna L. Picceri jpicceri at MIT.EDU
Fri Nov 12 16:14:16 EST 2004

Dear Colleagues,

The G.R. Harrison Spectroscopy Laboratory and the Department of Electrical
Engineering and Computer Science would like to invite you to the next
seminar in our series on Modern Optics and Spectroscopy.

Date & Time:            Tuesday, November 16, 12 noon - 1 PM
Location:               Grier Room (34-401)
Speaker:                Michael S. Feld, MIT
Title:                  Spectral diagnosis

Refreshments will be served following the talk.

Michael Feld, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
GR Harrison Spectroscopy Laboratory
"Spectral diagnosis"

We are using spectroscopy to characterize the make-up of biological 
tissue and diagnose disease in living patients in real time without 
the need for tissue removal. Elastic scattering, Raman scattering and 
fluorescence are all used. Biological tissue is an unusual 
spectroscopic medium, and extracting the required information 
requires the use of models based on optical biophysics. This provides 
a nice example of the application of how basic physics can be used to 
solve an important practical problem.
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