[Mobilepartners] Verizon Wireless Table - Lobby 10

Matthew D Sullivan irishman at MIT.EDU
Wed Feb 16 08:52:53 EST 2011

Good Morning,

Verizon Wireless representatives will be on campus today, in Lobby 10 from 11am-1pm. Stop by if you have any questions, comments, concerns, or complaints.

Matthew Sullivan
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
IS&T | Help Desk | Mobile Devices Team
P: 617-324-1837
E: irishman at mit.edu<mailto:irishman at mit.edu>

<mailto:irishman at mit.edu>Mobile Question? Check the Mobile Ninja!<http://kb.mit.edu/confluence/x/XQdS>

IMPORTANT: IS&T IT Staff will never ask for your password, nor will MIT send email requesting your password information. Please ignore email messages that request this information.

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