[Mobilepartners] Poor cell reception

Matthew D Sullivan irishman at MIT.EDU
Thu Sep 3 13:38:21 EDT 2009

Hello David et al;.

The efforts to get a Sprint/Nextel cell tower up are still in the midst, from what I gather, were in the final stages of the legal portions. There is also efforts to get an AT&T Cell tower on campus very soon.. These things take time and unfortunately with Sprint/Nextel, it's been nothing short of tiresome. 

David, has your group tried T-Mobile's UMA service? This service would allow you to take advantage of the WiFi network here at MIT, which would supplement the lack of cell coverage. It's by no means a total solution but may be something to look into. This service is also a FREE ad-on to MIT users, under the MIT Discount plan with T-Mobile.

Information regarding the service can be found here > http://support.t-mobile.com/doc/tm23449.xml

We have tested and currently use the BlackBerry's with this functionality and it works very well, especially in places like the basement. 

Matt Sullivan
Matthew Sullivan
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
IS&T | CSS | Service Desk | Mobile Team
P: 617-253-6445
E: irishman at mit.edu

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-----Original Message-----
From: mobilepartners-bounces at MIT.EDU [mailto:mobilepartners-bounces at MIT.EDU] On Behalf Of David J. Broderick
Sent: Thursday, September 03, 2009 1:04 PM
To: mobilepartners at mit.edu
Subject: [Mobilepartners] Poor cell reception

We have tried to use a number of cell phones here in building 4

Nextel, Verizon, and ATT (iPhones) all get terrible reception here in the basement of the Infinite Corridor. In fact, our cell phones are useless here in our own office.

There was a long standing promise of an antenna installation on Building 16.

I gather that this never happened. Any hope?

David J. Broderick 
djbroder at mit.edu 
Audio Visual Project Technician
MIT AV 617 253 2808 
FAX 617 253 5945 

Audio Visual Services
MIT Room 4 - 017
77 Mass. Ave.
Cambridge  MA  02139

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