[Mobilepartners] Poor cell reception

David J. Broderick djbroder at MIT.EDU
Thu Sep 3 13:03:38 EDT 2009

We have tried to use a number of cell phones here in building 4

Nextel, Verizon, and ATT (iPhones) all get terrible reception here in the basement of the Infinite Corridor. In fact, our cell phones are useless here in our own office.

There was a long standing promise of an antenna installation on Building 16.

I gather that this never happened. Any hope?

David J. Broderick 
djbroder at mit.edu 
Audio Visual Project Technician
MIT AV 617 253 2808 
FAX 617 253 5945 

Audio Visual Services
MIT Room 4 - 017
77 Mass. Ave.
Cambridge  MA  02139
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