[Mobilepartners] FW: BlackBerry enterprise activation password

Matthew D Sullivan irishman at MIT.EDU
Thu Jul 16 21:40:20 EDT 2009


Could you send the user to N42, if so we can take it from there. Also  
dont sweat the 48hr password, we can renew it on spot.


Sent from my iPhone

On Jul 16, 2009, at 9:37 PM, "Anita I. Horn" <ahorn at MIT.EDU> wrote:

> Hello.
> Not sure if this is the place to send this.  I have a client with a  
> blackberry curve on T-mobile.  I haven't been able to get her phone  
> activated on the BES server.  I converted her data plan to an  
> enterprise plan yesterday (Wed.) afternoon and they said it would be  
> effective within 2 hours, but I tried the activation 3 times today  
> and it failed each time.  The strange thing is it was asking for a  
> server address, which isn't indicated in the online instructions.  I  
> used oa.exchange.mit.edu.  Was that right? It's going to expire at  
> noon on Friday, so I have to get it straight before then or we'll  
> have to reapply for the activation code.
> Anita Horn
> Sloan Technology Services
> E52-015
> Office (617) 253-6123
> Cell     (617) 592-8760
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Catherine Gamon
> Sent: Thursday, July 16, 2009 11:56 AM
> To: Anita I. Horn
> Subject: FW: BlackBerry enterprise activation password
> Catherine Gamon
> Director, MBA Student Affairs
> MIT Sloan School of Management
> 50 Memorial Drive, Room E52-101
> Cambridge, MA  02142
> cgamon at mit.edu
> tel 617-253-0834
> -----Original Message-----
> From: MIT Blackberry Services
> Sent: Wednesday, July 15, 2009 12:48 PM
> Subject: BlackBerry enterprise activation password
> Hello User,
> To activate your BlackBerry device on MIT's BlackBerry Enterprise  
> Server (BES); on your BlackBerry, go to Options > Advanced Options >  
> Enterprise Activation. For "Email" please enter your MIT Exchange  
> email address, e.g. "username at exchange.mit.edu" and use the password  
> at the end of this message instead of your email password.
> Then press "Menu" or the trackball, and select "Activate".  The  
> activation process could take up to 15 minutes, and is recommend  
> that your device be plugged into a power source and that you leave  
> it alone until activation is complete.
> If your BlackBerry fails to activate, please verify with you  
> cellular carrier, that you have a Corporate/Enterprise data plan as  
> it's required in order to use BES. For more information regarding  
> the above activation, go to BlackBerry: Configure for the MIT  
> Exchange Server >http://itinfo.mit.edu/article.php?id=9044
> The following is your activation password   (This password will  
> expire in 48 hours.):
> auuuca
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