[Mobilepartners] Virus protection re-sending

Andrew Munchbach amunch at MIT.EDU
Wed Apr 1 12:58:37 EDT 2009

Hi Dan-

Conflicker affects Windows 2000, XP, Vista, and Windows 7.  The  
widleyreported strain does not currently affect Windows Mobile.

There is no antivirus software (that I know of) available for Win.  
Mobile at this time.

Andrew M.
Andrew Munchbach
Mobile Devices Consultant
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
IS&T | CSS | SWRT | Mobile Devices Team

On Apr 1, 2009, at 12:16 PM, dkallin wrote:

> It seems that my original request got scrubbed because I did not use  
> plain. Text.
> With the recent threat of Conflicker I was curious about virus  
> protection for mobile devices running WM6.
> What is available?
> Is there a MIT supported / available package?
> Is it necessary?
> Thanks
> Dan Kallin
> dkallin at MIT.edu
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