[Mobilepartners] Update: AT&T Mobile Data Outage

Matthew Sullivan irishman at MIT.EDU
Wed Sep 3 15:10:41 EDT 2008

Hello All,

As of 12 noon today, AT&T reported that they have resolved what their  
calling a "routing issue" which effected a large portion of the North  
East.  Local test have confirmed that their data services are  
operation, both EDGE and 3G.

If any further issues come up, we will send out a notification.

Matt Sullivan
Matthew Sullivan - Mobile Devices Consultant
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
P: 617-253-6445
E: irishman at mit.edu

Do you have a Mobile Device? Try http://m.mit.edu

IMPORTANT: IS&T IT Staff will never ask for your password, nor will  
MIT send email requesting your password information. Please ignore  
email messages that request this information.

On Sep 3, 2008, at 9:43 AM, Matthew Sullivan wrote:

> Hello All,
> This message is for those mobile device users included the iPhone on  
> AT&T network.
> As of this morning AT&T mobile data network is experiencing large  
> outage. We have confirmed this information with AT&T and they are  
> working on the issue. We will update this email with further  
> developments and hopefully an ETA as to when the data service will  
> be operational. If your device is WiFi capable, then we suggest you  
> take advantage of this option.
> -Matt Sullivan
> .............................................................................
> Matthew Sullivan - Mobile Devices Consultant
> Massachusetts Institute of Technology
> P: 617-253-6445
> E: irishman at mit.edu
> Do you have a Mobile Device? Try http://m.mit.edu
> ______________________________________
> IMPORTANT: IS&T IT Staff will never ask for your password, nor will  
> MIT send email requesting your password information. Please ignore  
> email messages that request this information.

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