[Mobilepartners] AT&T Mobile Data Outage

Matthew Sullivan irishman at MIT.EDU
Wed Sep 3 09:43:57 EDT 2008

Hello All,

This message is for those mobile device users included the iPhone on  
AT&T network.

As of this morning AT&T mobile data network is experiencing large  
outage. We have confirmed this information with AT&T and they are  
working on the issue. We will update this email with further  
developments and hopefully an ETA as to when the data service will be  
operational. If your device is WiFi capable, then we suggest you take  
advantage of this option.

-Matt Sullivan

Matthew Sullivan - Mobile Devices Consultant
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
P: 617-253-6445
E: irishman at mit.edu

Do you have a Mobile Device? Try http://m.mit.edu

IMPORTANT: IS&T IT Staff will never ask for your password, nor will  
MIT send email requesting your password information. Please ignore  
email messages that request this information.

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