[Mobilepartners] Tomorrow's Mobile Partners User Group

Andrew Yu andrewyu at MIT.EDU
Mon May 19 08:43:06 EDT 2008

Good morning,

This is a reminder that there is a Mobile Partners User Group meeting 
tomorrow 2 pm at N42 Demo Center.

Nokia will be presenting a newly emerging technology called NFC (Near Field 
Communication) that promises to expand the functionality of mobile devices 
to include payment (MBTA Charlie Card, MasterCard PayPass, etc), building 
access (similar to proxy card), easy access to mobile content via NFC tags 
pre-programmed, etc.

Please join us to preview this exciting new technology and its potential for 
the MIT community in the future.



Andrew Yu
Mobile Devices Platform Coordinator
Information Services & Technology
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Phone: 617-324-8985
Email: andrewyu at mit.edu

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