[Mobilepartners] May User Group Meeting: Nokia NFC Technology

Andrew Yu andrewyu at MIT.EDU
Thu May 1 10:01:55 EDT 2008


The next Mobile Partners User Group meeting will be held on May 20 
(Tuesday), 2 pm - 3 pm at N42 Demo Center. The agenda for the meeting is an 
introduction to the NFC (Near Field Communication) technology. We invited 
Nokia to come and present this emerging technology and its applications. NFC 
uses RFID (Radio Frequency Identification) to provide contactless 

Imagine if you can use your mobile phone as your Charlie Card, credit card, 
and proxy card. Also, imagine if you can tap your phone on the MIT Campus 
Map outside 84 Mass Ave and get the contents of the map loaded on to your 
phone. Nokia's NFC devices and associated services from partners (e.g. MBTA, 
MasterCard, etc.) allows the users to some of the above today!

Looking forward to seeing you on 5/20.


Andrew Yu
Mobile Devices Platform Coordinator
Information Services & Technology
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Phone: 617-324-8985
Email: andrewyu at mit.edu

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