[Mobilepartners] Cingular/AT&T 8525 Windows Mobile 6 Upgrade Now Available

Andrew Yu andrewyu at MIT.EDU
Wed Oct 31 09:33:32 EDT 2007


This message is for those who are using Cingular/AT&T 8525 devices.

HTC just announced the availability of Windows Mobile 6 Upgrade for the 
Cingular/AT&T 8525 device. The upgrade is free and it is available from 
HTC's website:

Windows Mobile 6 provides a number of refinments over the previous version 
(Windows Mobile 5) for MIT users that include:
- Easier personal certificate importing
- Email: HTML support, hardware shortcuts, smart filtering (search)
- Calendar: Usability improvements
- Others: improved Internet Explorer, Internet Sharing, etc.

The upgrade is supposed to take about 25 minutes.



Andrew Yu
Mobile Devices Platform Coordinator
Information Services & Technology
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Phone: 617-324-8985
Email: andrewyu at mit.edu
Sent from Outlook Express (Windows XP) 

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