[Mobilepartners] [Fwd: T-Mobile promotion]

Joan M. Cyr jcyr at MIT.EDU
Wed Nov 21 11:35:33 EST 2007

Hello everyone (sending a second time without the attachment)...I just 
received this promotion from T-Mobile that is happening *THIS WEEKEND 
ONLY, 11/23-11/25. 

*With that advent of their "HotSpot at Home," there may be folks out 
there trying to decide if they want to subscribe, as well as existing 
subscribers who may be thinking of renewing soon. 

If you know of anyone in either of these situations, please forward this 
promotion to them.

Thanks, and have a great Thanksgiving!


-------- Original Message --------
Subject: 	T-Mobile promotion
Date: 	Wed, 21 Nov 2007 07:28:32 -0800
From: 	Doherty, Robert <Robert.Doherty at t-mobile.com>
To: 	Joan M. Cyr <jcyr at mit.edu>


Here is the unbelievable promotion coming up this week that I really 
need to let everyone know about.  It is for both existing personal 
liable customers already with T-Mobile, as well as people thinking about 
joining, but it is only going to happen*_ 11/23-11/25_*, and it is only 
available from* 866-464-8662* (promo code 1151TMOFAV)

For existing subscribers:

             A*/ FREE FLIGHT/* to any of 10 destinations (Vegas,
      Orlando, LA to name a few) just for renewing their contract and
      selecting one of our new MyFaves Rate Plans!  Please see the
      attached for all the details.

            * 8**%* Monthly Credit off of Rate Plan and Feature Costs

For potential new subscribers, they could receive:

            */ FREE FLIGHT/* (or TWO with a Family Plan!)

            * Free Phone* (or TWO with a Family Plan!)

            * Free Bluetooth Headset* or Car Charger

            * Waived* Activation Fee

            * Free* Shipping

            * 8**%* Monthly Credit off of Rate Plan and Feature Costs

The Benefits to MIT are:

             The employee liable spend rolls up to your corporate spend
      which increases the discount for both the Employee and the
      Corporate Account.

             Improved Employee Morale

             Improved Employee Loyalty

Can you let me know what I need to do to help you spread the word a bit?

I look forward to speaking with them about this. 


<<BusinessDirect_FlyFree - MIT.pdf>>

Robert Doherty

Senior National Account Manager

T-Mobile USA

Cell: 781-888-7575

Fax: 813-353-6720

robert.doherty at t-mobile.com

*Joan M. Cyr
Technical Consultant, 5ESS and Cellular
*Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Information Services and Technology
400 Main Street, E19-687
Cambridge, MA 02142
T: 617.253.7900
F: 617.253.5300
E-Mail: jcyr at mit.edu
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