[Mobilepartners] Live Search Mobile from Microsoft

Andrew Yu andrewyu at MIT.EDU
Tue Nov 6 10:15:55 EST 2007

This message is for those of you using Windows Mobile devices.

Microsoft just announced a new version of Live Search for Windows Mobile 

The most interesting feature of this new version is the speech recognition 
capability, which allows a mobile device user to speak a search query rather 
than having to type them. For example, you can speak "Frescos, Cambridge, 
Massachusetts", and the application will return the approriate results with 
address, phone number, map information, etc.

For more information, please visit

To download the application from your mobile device, go to wls.live.com from 
your Windows Mobile device and follow instructions.


Andrew Yu
Mobile Devices Platform Coordinator
Information Services & Technology
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Phone: 617-324-8985
Email: andrewyu at mit.edu
Sent from Outlook Express (Windows XP) 

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