[Mobilepartners] Palm Takeover Expected This Week -- Report

Andrew Yu andrewyu at MIT.EDU
Tue Mar 20 11:03:57 EDT 2007

Good morning,

Just to give you all a heads up... There is an article in Information Week this morning that mentions that the sale of Palm, Inc. is near.

Palm Inc. could be sold for at least $20 per share this week and at least four bidders are interested, including private equity firm Texas Pacific Group, according to unnamed sources cited by technology news Web site Unstrung.com.


The rumor of potential sale of Palm, Inc. has been floating around for the past few weeks, but now it appears that the rumor is true and a deal may be finalized in the near future. The future of Palm OS may be in the hands of the new acquirer (possibly Nokia, Motorola, or a private equity firm).

I will keep you all posted.



Andrew J. Yu
Mobile Devices Platform Coordinator
Software Release Team
Information Services and Technology
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
77 Massachusetts Avenue, Building W92-140B
Cambridge, MA 02139-4307

Phone: 617-324-8985
Fax: 617-258-8736
Email: AndrewYu at mit.edu

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