[Mobilepartners] NYTimes.com: Guidelines for Using a CellphoneAbroad

Joan Cyr jcyr at MIT.EDU
Mon Mar 19 11:27:07 EDT 2007

Hi everyone....here's a short list start of alternatives:

We have a stock answer off our Cell phone home page
(http://web.mit.edu/ist/services/telecommunications/cellphones.html) that
addresses int'l cell phone use... it's

Also... MIT IS&T Telephone Services has negotiated significantly reduced
rates on MobileSphere calling cards. MobileSphere provides domestic and
international coverage in 92 countries. The service can be accessed directly
from a registered cell or home phone, or from hotel and pay phones using the
MobileSphere calling-card feature.

See https://web.mit.edu/ist/tel/mitonly/mobilesphere.html  (certificates

For Verizon Wireless, they have linked/extended their CDMA network into the
Americas, so you can use your Verizon Wireless CDMA phone for your calling
plans cell minutes + $.69/minute.  See the link below to find out which
countries are included:

Bon Voyage,


Joan M. Cyr
MIT Information Services and Technology
5ESS Technical Consultant
Room E19-687
400 Main Street
Cambridge, MA  02142
(617) 253-7900
jcyr at mit.edu
FAX: (617) 253-5300 

-----Original Message-----
From: mobilepartners-bounces at MIT.EDU [mailto:mobilepartners-bounces at MIT.EDU]
On Behalf Of Andrew Yu
Sent: Monday, March 19, 2007 10:28 AM
To: mobilepartners at mit.edu
Subject: [Mobilepartners] NYTimes.com: Guidelines for Using a

Good morning!

There is an article in New York Times ("Guidelines for Using a Cellphone
Abroad") the explains about international roaming with cell phones.

If you are interested, please visit the URL below:


Impact for MIT: While it may be "cool" to roam overseas with cell phones, it
is not be the most economical way of placing or receiving phone calls. To
minimize cost, users may wish to seek out alternatives.

Andrew J. Yu
Mobile Devices Platform Coordinator (MIT:IS&T:SWRT)

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