[Mobilepartners] IS&T Blackberry Release Project Pre-Announcement

Matthew Sullivan irishman at MIT.EDU
Fri Dec 21 16:03:52 EST 2007

Good Afternoon,


IS&T will be commencing a Blackberry Release Project and would like to
extend the invitation for the project team to departments, centers, and labs
that may be interested. 


The focus of this release will be the Worldwide Blackberry (8830) that may
be of interest to users who travel internationally. The benefits of this
device and the Blackberry service is the availability of unlimited data
roaming both nationally and internationally. We will be looking into
providing limited support for MIT's email and Techtime Calendar. 


If interested in participating in this release project, please contact
either myself or Andrew Yu (andrewyu at mit.edu). This is a pre-announcement
for now, an official announcement will be going out in January 2008. 


I'd also like to take this time to wish everyone a safe and enjoyable



Matthew Sullivan




Matthew Sullivan - Mobile Devices Consultant

Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Information Services & Technology - SWRT

P: 617-253-6445

E:  <mailto:irishman at mit.edu> irishman at mit.edu

Team Email:  <mailto:mobile-help at mit.edu> mobile-help at mit.edu


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