[Mobilepartners] SyncML/Tech Time weirdness

Chris Gresham cgresham at MIT.EDU
Thu Apr 5 12:19:36 EDT 2007

Hi Joni,

I'm seeing very similar behavior this morning. My first attempts at a  
sync started well and then ended with a 503 error code. I switched to  
an "update device" and the sync completed normally. My next "normal"  
sync attempted with an error 500. All subsequent syncs, regardless of  
which mode is selected, end in 503 error codes.

I'm using a Motorola Q running SyncML

Chris Gresham
IT Help Services Analyst, Client Support Services
Information Services and Technology
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
77 Massachusetts Avenue, Building N42-140J
Cambridge, MA 02139
Office: 617.253.4229
Fax: 617.258.9535

On Apr 4, 2007, at 4:41 PM, Joan Cyr wrote:

> Hi Jon…Strange…I went through on my palm and deleted all the  
> duplicate entries, and then attempted a sync, and got the error  
> code 403, then 503, then changed to update device and reload device  
> again and got 503.
> Then, deleted items on my desktop, changed to slow, and got 503 again.
> BTW, I don’t use the oracle connector.
> Is there something up with the calendar server?  I think my most  
> confusing question is how could an institute holiday note that is  
> set by the calendar administrator get duplicated on my desktop  
> calendar as an all day meeting that I proposed?   That’s the  
> weirdest….
> I haven’t tried to cable hot sync my palm since the calendar  
> update, but today I tried to hotsync (to backup my contacts) and I  
> get no connectitivity between my cradle and my computer..ah, yet  
> another  mystery…:o)
> Joni
> ***********************************************
> Joan M. Cyr
> MIT Information Services and Technology
> 5ESS Technical Consultant
> Room E19-687
> 400 Main Street
> Cambridge, MA  02142
> (617) 253-7900
> jcyr at mit.edu
> FAX: (617) 253-5300
> From: Jonathan McIndoe Hunt [mailto:jmhunt at MIT.EDU]
> Sent: Wednesday, April 04, 2007 4:17 PM
> To: jcyr at mit.edu; 'Andrew Yu'
> Cc: mobilepartners at mit.edu
> Subject: RE: [Mobilepartners] SyncML/Tech Time weirdness
> Hi Joni,
> I have been seeing the Daily Notes and Daily Events and MIT  
> Holidays showing up as all day meetings on my Windows Mobile 5  
> device with SyncML and reported it to Andrew as a low priority last  
> week.  I also noted an error 503 one morning in the past few days,  
> but couldn’t reproduce it on the second attempt so moved on and did  
> not report that.
> I do not have any duplicates of the Daily Notes or Daily Events on  
> my Windows Mobile calendar, but do end up sometimes with duplicates  
> of the mysterious day long meetings of the same name.
> Jon
> ___________________________________________________
> Jonathan McIndoe Hunt     MIT EECS '97 617.253.0172
> Manager Software Services
> Client Support Services
> Information Services & Technology, MIT
> http://web.mit.edu/ist/topics/software/
> From: mobilepartners-bounces at MIT.EDU [mailto:mobilepartners- 
> bounces at MIT.EDU] On Behalf Of Joan Cyr
> Sent: Wednesday, April 04, 2007 4:06 PM
> To: 'Andrew Yu'
> Cc: mobilepartners at mit.edu
> Subject: [Mobilepartners] SyncML/Tech Time weirdness
> Andrew:
> I went to sync my calendar today (knowing that I had added a lot of  
> entries in my desktop calendar) and when I did, I noticed that all  
> the ‘notes’ I had on my calendar got duplicated on my palm.  So I  
> did another sync, and I got error code 403.  I did another sync and  
> got error code 503 (twice); I did an update device and a reload  
> device, and both times got error code 503.
> Then, I let it rest for about 10 minutes.
> I did another ‘normal’ sync, and it appeared to sync with no  
> errors, but now, on my desktop calendar, all the ‘notes’ I had  
> (which were sent to me as invitations from others) AND the  
> Institute holiday notes have been duplicated as ‘all day meetings’  
> on my calendar, and it looks like I’m the ‘proposed by’ person.
> Anybody else seen this?  I’m all for trying anything…
> Joni
> ***********************************************
> Joan M. Cyr
> MIT Information Services and Technology
> 5ESS Technical Consultant
> Room E19-687
> 400 Main Street
> Cambridge, MA  02142
> (617) 253-7900
> jcyr at mit.edu
> FAX: (617) 253-5300
> _______________________________________________
> Mobilepartners mailing list
> Mobilepartners at mit.edu
> http://mailman.mit.edu/mailman/listinfo/mobilepartners

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