[miso-users] need help to trim BAM files

Labbe Celine celine.labbe at curie.fr
Wed Nov 18 05:19:57 EST 2020

Dear all,

MISO does not support mixed read lengths. I would like to trim my reads to a uniform length and re-run MISO without doing the mapping again as I'm not the one who's done the mapping originally and the bioinformatician is not here anymore. So I would like to directly trim the BAM files.

I've already tested GATK but the soft clipping is not enough for MISO and it still detects different reads length. The hard clipping option is not working correctly.

I tried other tools but to no avail.

Could you please help me with that ? Does anybody know a tools able to do that ? If possible, I would like to not run miso for each read length, I don't see how to regroup all results afterward.

Obviously, I've never used MISO before  😅😊

Thanks a lot for your help.

Best regards,


INSERM U1278 - RNA biology, Signaling and Cancer
Institut Curie-Centre de Recherche
Université Paris-Saclay
Centre Universitaire, Bât. 101B-110-111-112
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Tél : (33) 1 69 86 30 27
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