[miso-users] IndexError: string index out of range

Ao Zhou aozhou at umail.iu.edu
Tue Mar 19 10:27:57 EDT 2013

Hi, there,

I'm recently encountering an error when implementing MISO summary.
I ran MISO on several samples, and some output summary successfully, while
some returned this error.
Would you help me to find out the cause please?
This is the command and the message I've got.

################### Error Message ###################
$ run_miso.py --summarize-samples event_analysis/se/Hip summary/se/Hip

Loading settings from:
   filter_results True
   min_event_reads 20
   cluster_command qsub
   long_queue_name long
   short_queue_name quick
   burn_in 500
   lag 10
   num_iters 5000
   num_chains 6
Loading events from:
Writing summary to:
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/N/soft/rhel6/miso/0.4.6/bin/run_miso.py", line 615, in <module>
  File "/N/soft/rhel6/miso/0.4.6/bin/run_miso.py", line 586, in main
line 185, in summarize_sampler_results
    params = parse_sampler_params(samples_filename)
line 58, in parse_sampler_params
    if header[0] == '#':
IndexError: string index out of range

Ao Zhou
Ph.D. Student,
Bioinformatics Program,
School of Informatics, IUPUI
Tel: 317-372-7004
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