[miso-users] Ignoring multireads while making sashimi plot
M.C.vanVerk at uu.nl
Tue Oct 23 08:46:40 EDT 2012
Hi Yarden,
Multireads are in general a big problem for RNA-Seq analysis. I assumed it
would be very handy if you exclude the muti-reads while making the plot with
sashimi via de sashimi_plot_settings file. I already incorporated it in the
plot_gene.py script and the three required changes are preceded by "# new
lines Marcel", so if you like it you can easily add it to the script.
Addition to the sashimi_plot_settings file:
# Skip multireads while plotting
skip_multi_reads = False
| Dr. Marcel van Verk | Bioinformatician / Systems biologist | Plant-Microbe
Interactions | Department of Biology | Faculty of Science | Utrecht
University | Kruyt-building | Room W308 | Padualaan 8 | 3584 CH Utrecht |
The Netherlands | T +31 30 253 6857 | F +31 30 253 2837 |
<mailto:M.C.vanVerk at uu.nl> M.C.vanVerk at uu.nl | website
<http://www.uu.nl/science/pmi> www.uu.nl/science/pmi |
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